You are getting Error: XT119 Invalid TMS configuration for domain &1
- When triggering any PPF action in the ChaRM document that requires that the Transport-Related Checks are performance and the Cross-Reference Check scenario is activated
- When moving an urgent change from Authorized for Production to Imported into Production
- When running a Perform Check in the Transport-Related checks in a ChaRM document
or you are getting these warning messages when creating a transport of copies TOC in a normal change document:
- cCTS plugin has errors in system /TMWFLOW/CSL 061 ED1~ABAP/100
- Change tracking reported an error SCTS_DIST_CTL_CHNGTR 001
- Problem accessing data ( ) SCTS_DIST_CTL_COMMON 007
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
XT119, Cross-Reference check, cross reference check, TMSCDOM, TMS_CFG_READ_CONFIGURATION , KBA , SV-SMG-CM , Change Request Management , Problem
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