- Made a new application using 2020 template with the SAPUI5 Visual Editor
- Created a UI5 application that returns an Odata service
- The Odata service is used as input for one of the templates which are given as selection in WebIDE
- For example the template used is "Worklist template"
- The following changes was done (Modification or customization):
- Change the name of the template of the "Start" button of an App to another name "GO"
- Create a button in the template to go fro App 1 to App 2
- The WebIDE is preventing the change and cannot be used or edited
SAPUI5 1.7X and others
SAPUI5 1.0
"UI5 template not editable","Cannot change WebIDE buttons","Editing buttons in WebIDE disallowed","New SAPUI5 template","WebIDE template uneditable","Cannot modify buttons WebIDE" , KBA , CA-WDE-VE , UI Visual Editor , Problem
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