SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3075555 - GR/IR Run Contains No Postings


You ran a GR/IR run for a Purchasing Document and noticed that no postings appear in the Postings tab.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Inventory Valuation work center.
  2. Select the view GR/IR Clearing.
  3. Search and find run ID XYZ (XYZ represents the GR/IR run ID).
  4. Go to the Postings Tab.
  5. No posting details appear.

Expectation is to have the clearing postings to appear.


The Purchasing document that you completed the GR/IR run for has a Final Clearing Date of DD.MM.YYYY.

The Period that you have run the GR/IR for is before this clearing date.


This is correct system behavior. You have two options to get the results that you were expecting:

Option 1: Run the GR/IR for the period the Final Clearing Date is in.

Option 2: Change the Final Clearing Date, and run the GR/IR for the period matching this date.

See Also

GR/IR Clearing Help Document


GR/IR, Purchasing Document, Clearing, Goods Receipt, Invoice Receipt, Postings tab , KBA , SRD-FIN-INV , Inventory , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions