On a classic BI launchpad, configured with IIS webserver as front-end with ARR configured to reroute requests to a JBoss application server, we notice that the Web Intelligence (WEBI) DHTML Viewer is having the below issues.
- Clicking on the Filter Bar button on Launchpad does not do anything. It does not show the expected filter bar.
- Click on the filter bar a second time, and the following error pops up.
"An unexpected error occurred. For information about this error, please refer to SAP Knowledge Base Article 2054722 on the SAP Support Portal. (WIH 444444) (Error: INF )" - Also, Drag an Drop of the objects from available objects into the report does not work.
- This issue is not observed from the Rich Client.
- Also same behavior is observed with the Default Administrator User.
- The issue is noticed only on re-routed or forwarded requests.
- When directly accessing JBoss or Tomcat Application servers, the same workflows work as expected.
BI Product Version: BI 4.2 SP 8 800
CMS database: SQL Server 2019
Web application server: JBoss EAP: 7.2.9
HTTP Server: IIS 10 [using ARR configuration for forwarding requests]
Authentication used: Windows AD, Enterprise
BI, 4.2, WEBI, web intelligence, viewer, dhtml, process drill, drag and drop, IIS, ARR, reroute, rewrite, WIH 444444, error , KBA , BI-RA-WBI-FE , Front End/Client , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem
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