You are processing with cost-based revenue recognition. You made posting like goods issue. Normally there should be actual cost shown in App Event-based Revenue Recognition.
However, you find the actual cost is still zero.
Reproducing the Issue
- Post GI for cost-based item.
- Check actual cost with App Event-based Revenue Recognition.
The actual cost value rely on the configuration of semantic tag. You need to make sure the relevant configuration is done properly.
- Check SSCUI 102669 Define Financial Statement Versions.
- Select FS Version - YPS2 and click "Financial Statement Items".
- Expand all the subtrees.
- Search in the page to see whether the cost account is maintained.
- If it's not maintained, you should maintain the account into the cost level.
- If you want to check the corresponding item key for the level: click More - Settings - Change. Select "Item keys visible". Click continue. The item keys will be shown in front of the level names as 2 digit number.
- Check SSCUI 102659 Assign Semantic Tags to Financial Statement Versions.
- Click Position and input: FS Version = YPS2; Semantic Tag = ACT_COST. Select Continue.
- You need to make sure the corresponding FS item key for the account you maintained in step 5, has the Semantic Tag ACT_COST assigned.
Above configurations are the prerequisite for system to recognize the actual cost.
actual cost, zero, revenue recognition, goods issue, GI, posting, cost-based, real-time, issue. , KBA , CO-PC-OBJ-EBR , Event-Based Revenue Recognition , Problem