You wish to know whether Boomi can help with the creation of an SPF TXT record for Boomi application.
Specifically, you wish to know whether the Boomi platform supports the DKIM signing of the emails and whether this system can configure a custom Reply-To in the header.
- Boomi
- SF Hosted cloud atom
Please note, if you are using an IMAP connector, Boomi currently does not support SPF or DKIM. What the connector supports in regards to how it connects/sends/receives emails is detailed in the documentation below:
You can set up the same to send emails to whoever you want This is detailed in the document below:
Finally, the IMAP connector is always going to send/receive emails from the email server it is configured to connect too, and you can use any email address you want. That email address just needs to be the email address of the email server you are connecting too.
Boomi currently does not support - SPF or DKIM DMARC for Email Security (latest update: August 2021)
See Also
KBA , LOD-SF-INT-BPI , Dell & Boomi Infrastructure , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , LOD-SF-INT-BOM , Standard SF to 3rd Party Boomi Content , How To