You have an enhancement idea for an SAP Cloud Integration, SAP Integration Suite that you would like to share with product management and/or other customers.
- SAP Cloud Integration
- SAP Integration Suite
- SAP API Business Hub
- API Management
- Cloud Connector
- Event Mesh
- Integration Advisor
- Open Connectors
- SAP Application Interface Framework
HCI-PI, HCI, CPI, iFlow, processs integration, influence, missing functionality, new features, new requirements, enhancement requests, costumer influence, continuous influence, idea forum, product limitation, missing field, missing function, ideas , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-OPS , Cloud Operations , LOD-HCI-PI-MAP , Integration Mapping Service , LOD-HCI-PI-GB , Generation & Build Framework , LOD-HCI-PI-DOC , Documentation , LOD-HCI-PI-RT , Integration Runtime , Product Enhancement
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