SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3079342 - Wrong Approver In Business Task Management


Unexpected approvers shown in the Business Task Management when there are several delegates for an approval team


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Administrator work centre
  2. Go to the Business Task Management view
  3. Change the filter to ALL and search for quote 123 (123 represents the quote ID)
  4. Find an entry which shows "Multiple persons"
  5. Click the "Multiple persons" link
  6. You get, for example, an approval team and a single person mentioned
  7. When you check the delegates of this approval team (Administration work centre > Delegations view), you see that there are several more delegates set.

Expectation: Either all approver names from the delegates and the team should be shown, or only the team itself.


The BTM UI shows only task processors (approvers) who were/are involved in the approval process. Other delegates were not involved in the approval process and are therefore not shown.


Expected system behaviour as per design.

See Also

KBA 2655647 - Delegation In Approval Process


KBA , LOD-LE-CQP , Customer Quote Processing , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2105