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3079985 - Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected dflib/dfo.cxx:13814 - SAP IQ


Encountered issue below even applying : DML_Options6:  16777216

** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
** at dflib/dfo.cxx:13814 on thread 140718970767104 (TID 3)
** with Query_Name: dfo.cxx.13814
** Error detected at DFO #03 Union All (shadow 0)
** Please report this to SAP IQ support
** with the following diagnostic information,
** and, if possible, with the user's command.
** Error from IQ connection: SA connHandle: 112 SA connID: 6 IQ connID: 0000133394 User: DBA
** Time of error: 2021-07-16 11:49:33
** IQ Version: SAP IQ/16.1.040/15175/P/SP04.09
** OS info: IQ built on: Linux/Linux64 - x86_64 - 3.10.0-327, Executed on: Linux/XXXXXXXXX/3.12.74-60.64.40-default/#1 SMP Wed May 10 05:07:16 UTC 2017 (4eb35ec)/x86_64
** Command status when error occurred: CURSOR ACTIVE
** Command text: ...........................................

===== Thread Number 140718970767104 (IQ connID: 0000133394) =====
pc: 0x7ffbab130cd8 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*, int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+0x38
pc: 0x7ffbab131531 ucstkgentrace(int, int)+0x141
pc: 0x7ffbab132469 StackTraceForThisThread(char const*, int, char const*, char const*, char const*)+0x299
pc: 0x7ffbaa98f4a5 df_Exception::df_Exception(char const*, int, df_Exception::df_ErrorCode, char const*, char const*, dfo const*, df_Evaluable const*)+0x13e5
pc: 0x7ffbaa9902f7 df_Exception::ThrowException(char const*, int, df_Exception::df_ErrorCode, char const*, char const*, dfo const*, df_Evaluable const*)+0x37
pc: 0x7ffbaab5ccf4 dfo::ValidateLocalInternalConsistency()+0x204
pc: 0x7ffbaab51766 dfo::ValidateInternalConsistency()+0x36
pc: 0x7ffbaab51766 dfo::ValidateInternalConsistency()+0x36
pc: 0x7ffbaab51766 dfo::ValidateInternalConsistency()+0x36
pc: 0x7ffbaab51766 dfo::ValidateInternalConsistency()+0x36
pc: 0x7ffbaab51766 dfo::ValidateInternalConsistency()+0x36
pc: 0x7ffbaac10ff5 dfo_Root::Prepare()+0x3f5
pc: 0x7ffbabd78c0c st_cursorIQtoSA::Prepare()+0x15c
pc: 0x7ffbaa9e6beb df_OpenCursor::Prepare()+0x5b
** End of stack trace from Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error dflib/dfo.cxx:13814

Exception Thrown from dflib/dfo.cxx:13814, Err# 0, tid 3 origtid 3
O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 9216 (df_Exception); SQLCode: -1006001, SQLState: 'QBA01', Severity: 23
[20239]: IQ Internal error. Please report this to SAP IQ support.
Generating HTML Query plan: /opt/sybase/iq_extracts/DBA_dfo_cxx_13814_L_0__20210716-114933_1085.html
Query dfo.cxx.13814 executed in: 2228572631.067 second(s)



SAP IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09


SAP IQ 16.1


dflib/dfo, union, union all, ValidateLocalInternalConsistency , CR825231, 825231 , , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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