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3080608 - Alter user and sp_iqpassword is truncating message: SQL Anywhere Error -1044: Invalid password. SAP IQ


alter user and sp_iqpassword is showing the error message only first 172 characters and reporting the following error. 

Msg 13467, Level 16, State 0
SQL Anywhere Error -1044: Invalid password: Valid password chars: A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and @$_#. Space/comma not valid. First char must be lower or upper case letter. At least 1 n



SAP IQ 16.1


SAP IQ 16.0


CR825258, CR#825258, Msg 13467, SQL Anywhere Error -1044, invalid password, alter user, sp_iqpassword , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Known Error

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