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3081075 - Installing CPI-DS agent on SuSE Linux 15.0 or higher fails with error - SAP Cloud Platform Integration for Data Services


The following installation summary can be seen in the installation log after trying to install CPI-DS agent on SuSE Linux 15.0 or higher version:

Fresh Installation
package directory:/tmp/.dsod__60691/DataServicesAgent
Success: Installing files
Success: Configuring environment
Success: Generating certificates
Success: Configuring internal database
Failed: Create an event to purge SQLA log files
Failed to create the event to purge the SQLA database log files.
Success: Creating repositories
Success: Configuring job server
Success: Upgrading adapters
Success: Starting agent service

Failed with errors.



SAP Cloud Platform Integration for Data Services - Agent version: or higher


SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0


LOD-HCI-DS, CPI-DS, CPI, HCI, agent, installation, error, Linux, SuSE, libncurses5 , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , Problem

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