- "Only jks extension is supported" error when starting LDC (Live Data Connection to Universe) version 3.3 or later
- The same Keystore in JKS format worked in LDC 3.2
- "Error during keystore loading : Invalid keystore format(exception is IOException)."
- SAP Analytics Cloud (Enterprise) 2021
- LDC 3.3 or later
Reproducing the Issue
- Configure the Live Data Connection to Univers as per Product Guide
- Start LDC.exe
- It fails with the error "[LDC LAUNCHER - ERROR] Keystore validation of <filestore file location>... Only jks extension is supported"
From LDC 3.3, it enforces the file extension of Keystore file. It will pass the Keystore validation only when the file extension of Keystore file is jks.
Please note that the file format of the Keystore file must also be jks. PKCS12 is currently not supported.
If you have a PFX or .P12 format keystore file, then you can convert it to JKS by using the command
- PFX: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore mypfxfile.pfx -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore clientcert.jks -deststoretype JKS
- PKCS12: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore myp12file.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore myjksfile.jks -deststoretype jks
You can recreate the JKS Keystore with a new name, or simply rename your Keystore file and change its file extension to jks ( for example mykeystore.jks ) , then update the references in configuration file.
See Also
- 2569847 - Where can you find SAC user assistance (help) to use, configure, and operate it more effectively?
- Have a question? Ask it here and let our amazing SAP community help! Or reply and share your knowledge!
- 2487011 - What information do I need to provide when opening an case for SAP Analytics Cloud?
- 2511489 - Troubleshooting performance issues in SAP Analytics Cloud
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