You notice the KPI "Number of Unique Link Clicks" is not counting each unique link click of the email content as it is described on the documentation Campaign Success for Messages for Number of Unique Link Clicks: "Number of links clicked by a user. If a user clicks link A two times, link B 5 times, and link C once, the system counts three clicks."
- SAP Marketing Cloud Edition
Reproducing the Issue
- Create an email content with 2 or more different links and enable Link Tracking for all links.
- Create a campaign for this email content.
- Open the email and click one or more times on each of the links created.
- Open the Analytics and Report Gallery app.
- Open the report "Campaign Success for Messages" for the created campaign.
You notice that the KPI "Number of Unique Link Clicks" is displayed as "1", but it should be 2 or more, depending of the number of links you created and clicked.
You have created the links in the email content with same parameter "
Create each link on email content with a different "
Number of Unique Link Clicks, Link, KPI , KBA , CEC-MKT-MEM , Content Studio: E-Mails and other messages , CEC-MKT-CPG-SUC , Campaign Success/Performance , How To