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3085222 - API Management - Outgoing HTTP Header values are not reflected in the API Proxy


It's expected to send custom HTTP Header to the target API, e.g., the custom HTTP headers like "Authorization" that created in Basic Authentication policy. However even if the headers' values are generated successfully, but the runtime API Proxy is not sending the correct HTTP header. Check the HTTP trace from target API server to verify it.

A typical example is that, the API Proxy is forwarding the HTTP header like "Authorization" that defined by client when calling API Proxy, instead of using the "Authorization" that created in Basic Authentication policy. As the consequence, the target API will response HTTP 401 or 403 code.



SAP API Management


Basic, collect, required, forward, DEV, AIS, IMS, API Management, APIM, custom, Header, headers, authorization, assign message, basic authentication, remove header , KBA , OPU-API-OD-DT , Designtime , Problem

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