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3086166 - "Column <> was not found in table <>" error occurs while reading IBP table - SAP Cloud Platform Integration for Data Services


  • The following error occurs after executing CPI-DS task reading from IBP table:

    ensure that the table exists and such a column exists in the table.
    Column <<column name>> was not found in table <<IBP table name>>. Check the spelling of the referenced table and column and

  • The IBP table has changed, the column mentioned in the error does not exist anymore in the IBP table.

was not found in table <>" error occurs while reading IBP table - SAP Cloud Platform Integration for Data Services"> Read more...


SAP Cloud Platform Integration for Data Services 1.0.11.xxxx


SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0


LOD-HCI-DS, HCI, CPI, CPI-DS, column, IBP , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , SCM-IBP-INT-TS-DS , CPI-DS Integration , Problem

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