Not all fields are available in the ""Manage Characteristic Catalogs" APP for AATP - (e.g. for PAL / ABC / BOP / SUP / IRP / BPS).
- SAP S/4 Hana
- AATP - Advanced Available to Promise
- PAL - Product Allocation
- ABC - Alternative Based Confirmation
- BOP - Back Order Processing
- SUP - Supply Protection
- IRP - Interactive Requirement Processing
- BPS - Business Process Scheduling
SAP S/4HANA all versions
KBA , CA-ATP , Available to Promise (ATP) , CA-ATP-BOP , ATP: Backorder Processing , CA-ATP-SUP , ATP: Supply Protection (SUP) , CA-ATP-ABC , ATP: Alternative-Based Confirmation , CA-ATP-PAL , ATP: Product Allocation , CA-ATP-SCH-BPS , ATP: Business Process Scheduling , CA-ATP-IRP , ATP: Interactive Requirement Processing (RFDY) , Problem
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