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3087077 - IQ crashed with IO error while reading a database page in INVALID_DBSPACE DBSpace - SAP IQ


  • IQ server crashed with IO error:

    An IO error was encountered while reading a database page in INVALID_DBSPACE DBSpace. Please check your IQ message file for additional information.
    -- (slib/s_blockmap.cxx 5778)

  • IQMSG file also contains the following messages:
    Write blk 16777212 for 5 blk(s) (dbBlkSz 32768)
    main Bufman: I/O error while writing; from slib/s_buf.cxx:2416
    expected: btype=0,blk=13959,pbn=192540155,nlb=16,npb=5,uid=52914,txn=105792577,sp=1,mn=1931,upmn=1931,flgs=0x8000021a,iscmp=0
    read: btype=5,nlb=16,npb=5,ctr=136,cta=134,pbn=192540155,txn=105792577,sp=1,ver=1,pb=178,pus=13959 iscmp=1
    Expected Pad1: 178 (0xb2), Pad2: 13959 (0x3687)
    Got Pad1: 178 (0xb2), Pad2: 13959 (0x3687)
    Exception Thrown from oslib/hos_bio.cxx:902, Err# 33, tid 1088 origtid 1088
    O/S Err#: 28, ErrID: 518 (hos_bioexception); SQLCode: -1006094, SQLState: 'QBA94', Severity: 14
    Disk is or will be full on I/O to or allocation of file /sybase/IQ/dev/IQ_MAIN



  • SAP IQ 16.0
  • SAP IQ 16.1


SAP IQ 16.1


"SQLCode: -1006094"; -1006094; "raw device" ; "raw devices";  , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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