In several applications only the 'User ID' (CB998xxxxxxx) is displayed. It would be helpful to check the 'User Name' as well.
Reproducing the Issue
This example is for the App 'Manage Journal Entries'.
The Header of JE entry view shows the CB User Id (CB998xxxxxxx) as "Created by". It takes time to find out the 'User Name' behind the 'User ID'.
In the main front screen of App 'Manage Journal Entries' the field 'Journal Entry Created By' concatenates the 'User ID' and the 'User Name'.
It can be exported to excel. With the function 'Export As' and 'split cells with multiple values' the 'User ID' and the 'User Name' are displayed in separated columns.
User ID, User Name, CB User id, Created by, Manage Journal Entries, Journal Entry Created By, F0717, F 0717 , KBA , FI-FIO-GL , Fiori UI for General Ledger Accounting , FI-FIO-GL-2CL , Fiori UI for General Ledger Accounting (Public Cloud) , How To