SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3088403 - Cannot see the a specific option (e.g. FINSKKF) when you create an export job to export data from SAC to S/4 HANA in SAP Analytics Cloud for Planning (SAC)


The following behavior occurs in SAP Analytics Cloud for Planning (SAC):

  • cannot see a specific option (for example, Statistical Key Figures – FINSSKF or Activity Type Plan Cost Rate Component Split) when you create an export job to export data from SAC to S/4 HANA
  • you can see the option Activity Type Plan Cost Rates - ACCOSTRATE and Planning - ACDOCP


  • SAP Analytics Cloud (Enterprise)

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open a modeler.
  2. Go to the Data Management workspace.
  3. Make sure to enable the Enable Legacy Export option.
  4. Create a export job.
  5. Select the connection.
  6. A specific option (for example, Statistical Key Figures – FINSSKF or Activity Type Plan Cost Rate Component Split) is invisible.


The OData service "C_SKF_SRV" or “C_ACTYTYPECOSTRATECOMPSPLIT_SRV” is not added in the S/4HANA system.


Add the OData service "C_SKF_SRV" or “C_ACTYTYPECOSTRATECOMPSPLIT_SRV” in the S/4HANA system.

You can refer to SAP Note 2924912 for steps. Although this SAP Note is for OData service API_FINANCIALPLANDATA_SRV, adding other OData services is similar.

See Also


SAP Cloud for Planning, sc4p, c4p, cforp, cloudforplanning, Cloud for Analytics, Cloud4Analytics, CloudforAnalytics, Cloud 4 Planning, BOC, SAPBusinessObjectsCloud, BusinessObjectsCloud, BOBJcloud, BOCloud., SAC, SAP AC, Cloud-Analytics, CloudAnalytics, SAPCloudAnalytics,Error, Issue, System, Data, User, Unable, Access, Sac, Acquisition, Model, Connect, Story, Tenant, Import, Failed, Using, Working, ZAPI_FINANCIALPLANDATA_SRV, API_FINANCIALPLANDATA_SRV, S/4, odata service, C_ACTYTYPEPLANCOSTRATE_SRV, ZC_ACTYTYPEPLANCOSTRATE_SRV, ZC_SKF_SRV, C_SKF_SRV, FINCS_PLNG_INTEG_SRV, ZFINCS_PLNG_INTEG_SRV, C_ACTYTYPECOSTRATECOMPSPLIT_SRV , ZC_ACTYTYPECOSTRATECOMPSPLIT_SRV
, KBA , LOD-ANA-ML-DI , Data Integration, Data Export API, Data Import API , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0