You are trying to launch Sales Order Fulfillment Issues (Version 2) app from the SAP Fiori Launchpad search bar but you get a message that it was not found, even though the business roles and the catalogs have been assigned correctly.
You are able to open the same app Sales Order Fulfillment - Analyse and Resolve Issues from the Sales Order Monitoring group.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
F0029A, F0029, Sales Order Fulfillment Issues, Sales Order Fulfillment Issues (Version 2), generic drilldown, smart business, fiori launchpad search, FLP, search, cannot be found, searchable, search bar, fiori launchpad , KBA , SD-FIO-HBA , Analytical Apps , SD-FIO-HBA-2CL , Analytical Apps (Public Cloud) , Problem
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