- After installing the TTA server onto the local machine, on the Tricentis Service Configuration, the following errors on the Tosca Administrative Console can be seen in the log file:
"Application startup exception
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): The system cannot find the file specified.
........." - Have installed TRICENTIS SERVER on a new Windows Server. All services are running with the exception of the ToscaAdministationConsole service.
SAP Enterprise Continuous Testing by Tricentis
SAP ENTRPRISE CNTNUS TSTNG OD all versions ; SAP Enterprise Continuous Testing by Tricentis all versions ; SAP Solution Manager all versions
Tricentis, Tosca Administrative Console error, TTA, Tricentis test Automation, error, bug, log file , KBA , XX-PART-TRI-TTA , Tricentis Test Automation for SAP , Problem
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