- From SAP application getting many short dumps Runtime Errors DBSQL_CONNECTION_NO_METADATA
- From ASE dataserver getting errors:
- Error: 1601, Severity: 17, State: 7
There are not enough 'user connections' available to start a new process. Retry when there are fewer active users, or ask your System Administrator to reconfigure ASE with more user connections.
- Error: 1601, Severity: 17, State: 7
- ST22 DUMP error:
- No metadata found for database connection "R/3*DDFTX" (or other table name)
- ERROR: -1 in function SQLConnectWithRetry (SQLConnectWithRetry)
(30046) [08S01] [SAP][ASE ODBC Driver] Connection to the server has been lost. Connection died while reading from socket. ERRNO returned 0. Check the server to determine the status of any open transactions.
- SAP Solution Manager 7.2
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0
dumps, ST22, 1601, "R/3*DDFTX", Connection to the server has been lost, Connection died while reading from socket, 30046, number of user connections, No metadata found for database connection , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Known Error
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