During upgrade of Java system using Software Update Manager (SUM), below issue occurs during step SCAN-INBOX:
An error occured during the execution of Scan inbox for components of action configure.
Service failed with the following message:
Error while analyzing the content of download directory.
The following problem has occurred during step execution: Error while analyzing the content of download directory.
Could not analyze some of the software delivery units.
Could not list contents of Inbox directory /tmp_software_sap/J2EEAPPS.
Cannot access directory /tmp_software_sap/J2EEAPPS. Make sure it exists and is accessible by the current user.
SCAN-INBOX, java,, Error while analyzing the content of download directory, Could not analyze some of the software delivery units, Could not list contents of Inbox directory /tmp_software_sap/J2EEAPPS,
Cannot access directory /tmp_software_sap/J2EEAPPS, Make sure it exists and is accessible by the current user. , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , Problem
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