- After unregister or cleanup a system replication site, the HANA license got removed or is invalid.
- Prerequisite: any of these commands were executed.
- hdbnsutil -sr_unregister
- hdbnsutil -sr_cleanup
- Such a reset can be observed in the traces:
[26845]{-1}[-1/-1] 2021-06-26 16:52:32.797050 i sr_nameserver TopologyUtil.cpp(02207) : resetLandscapeId
- In combination with the "--force" option, unfortunately cannot be guaranteed that the temporary license mentioned in SAP Note 2211663 can be put into place. For that reason, an invalid license error can be received.
[29250]{-1}[-1/-1] 2021-06-26 16:53:33.514139 e Licensing AbstractLicenseManager.cpp(01764) : Failed to register product for '<SYSTEM>' due to HANA license status: 1
[29250]{-1}[-1/-1] 2021-06-26 16:53:33.514297 e NameServer LicenseHandler.cpp(00274) : failed to install license key: <SYSTEM>, msg=exception 6999008: Failed to register a product with a first temporary license; $product$=<SYSTEM>
[29250]{-1}[-1/-1] 2021-06-26 16:53:33.514335 e nameserver_reque TREXNameServer.cpp(01522) : ltt exception: exception 6999008: Failed to register a product with a first temporary license; $product$=<SYSTEM>
, method=registerLicenseForProduct, request=(S)productName=<SYSTEM>|
exception 1: no.6999008 (Licensing/impl/AbstractLicenseManager.cpp:1765)
Failed to register a product with a first temporary license; $product$=<NAME>
[29247]{300215}[30/7209313066] 2021-06-26 17:07:53.216012 e Licensing AbstractLicenseManager.cpp(00050) : 485 likey_install_from_memory: The 0-th license key is illegal: there is no line with the key word SAPSYSTEM.
[29247]{300215}[30/7209313066] 2021-06-26 17:07:53.216017 e Licensing AbstractLicenseManager.cpp(01003) : TRY TO INSTALL AN INVALID LICENSE (Unable to install): ----- Begin SAP License -----
[29247]{300215}[30/7209313066] 2021-06-26 17:07:53.216160 e NameServer LicenseHandler.cpp(00074) : failed to install license key: ----- Begin SAP License -----, msg=exception 6999001: Failed to install a permanent license.; $ret$=4; $key$=----- Begin SAP License -----
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
unregister, deregistration, invalid license, replication, resetLandscapeId, temporary license, failed to install license key, 2211663 , KBA , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) , How To
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