SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3093118 - No data is shown in APP Material Value Flow Monitor after 2108 upgrade


After the CE2108 upgrade, open APP Material Value Flow Monitor, display nothing.



Reproducing the Issue

Open APP Material Value Flow Monitor, fill in relevant parameters and execute, no data shown.


An ALV grid with Integrated Data Access (IDA ALV) is called with a default layout. 
An empty grid is displayed. Only the toolbar of the IDA ALV is visible but no columns of the default layout of the IDA ALV grid.


Since columns are missing in the default layout of IDA ALV grid, workaround is to change the layout to show the data.
The workaround is:
1. Press the button on the right upper corner to change layout, click button 'Change Layout', here you can see there is none displayed column in the standard ALV grid.
2. Select all columns and move them on to the left and adopt, afterwards data will be shown.

Currently, you still need to change the layout each time when you open the APP Material Value Flow Monitor, we have completed a correction/addition to your software.

This correction is planned to be delivered with Hotfix Collection 05 of release S4HANA Cloud 2108,
the implementation is planned to take place in the next maintenance window at the 19.09.2021.

See Also

3077800 - IDA ALV - an empty grid is displayed


Material Value Flow Monitor; ML4HVFM; ALV grid, blank, no data, CKMVFM, . , KBA , CO-PC-ACT , Actual Costing , CO-PC-ACT-2CL , Actual Costing (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2108