WS02000471 work item goes to substitute user manager's inbox (not to the original user manager's inbox) after first level approval by substitute user. Substituted user manager is not involved in the approval process.
- SAP Business Workflow
- ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP
- WS02000471 - Approve Purchase Requisition Item Level Scenario
- Multi-level approval
- Active substitution rule
WF_GDPR, SWF_WORKFLOW, WFMSTD, FUNCTION mmpur_wfl_agent_mgr_of_mgr, IF_MM_WORKFLOW_AGENTS~GET_RESPONSIBLE_AGENTS, FM MMPUR_WFL_AGENT_MGR_OF_RQSTR, MMPUR_WFL_AGENT_MGR_OF_MGR, MMPUR_WFL_AGENT_ACCOUNTING_OBJ, MMPUR_WFL_BADI_AGENT, Rule AC00800015, Manager Rule AC00800016, Rule AC00800017, Rule AC00800021, Rule AC00800034, superiorOfWorkflowInitiator, Manager of Workflow Initiator, managerOfManager Manager of Workflow Initiator's Manager, accountingObjectResponsible Accounting Object, badiAgentDetermination Agent Determination by BAdI, managerOfLastApprover Manager of Last Approver, agent rule, agent determination, right agen is missing , KBA , BC-BMT-WFM , Business Workflow , MM-FIO-PUR-REL , Fiori UI for Purchasing Approval , Problem
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