SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3095466 - Request <SID>K9<nnnnn> cannot be changed: Incorrect system or wrong naming convention


System copy was done and system ID was changed during this (from system ABC to system DEF).
After system copy, you find there are old transport requests starting with ABCK9***** in the new system DEF.

When you try to release these TRs, the following error happened and cannot release them.
Request ABCK9***** cannot be changed: Incorrect system or wrong naming convention

Message no. TR778


You cannot change request ABCK9***** in this SAP System because it does not follow the naming convention for requests in this system. The first three characters of the request name must be the system name and the fourth character must be K.

The only exceptions are delivery transports and preliminary corrections, which have to begin with SAP, and piece lists, whose names you can choose, as long as they do not conflict with the naming conventions.

System Response

The function terminates.


Choose a request that has been created in this SAP System.
Check whether the Change and Transport System has been initialized correctly.


When you try to edit these TRs, it's also not possible and the following error happens.

Only requests/tasks of type "DEFKxxxxxx" modifiable in this system

Message no. TR775


In this SAP System, you can only change requests/tasks of type "DEFKxxxxxx". The function you selected tries to change a request/task from another system.
Requests/tasks have a special namespace for each system and can only be changed in their original system.

System Response

The function terminates.


If necessary, repeat the function with a request/task that originated in this system.



Release independent


SAP NetWeaver all versions


TLOCK, cannot be changed, Incorrect system or wrong naming convention, TR778, TR775, modifiable in this system, system copy, SID, release, modifiable, change , KBA , BC-CTS-ORG , Workbench/Customizing Organizer , BC-CTS-TLS , Transport Tools , Problem

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