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3101655 - CCV2 cmsVersionGCProcess ModelSavingException due to ambiguous unique keys


In CCv2, the below error occurs due to that cmsVersionGCProcess is not compatibility with CCv2. Sometimes causes thread waiting on cmsVersionGCProcess, so the server is not responsible which caused customer business responds slowly. But sometimes this error won't cause other bad things happening. By default in ootb code, the cmsVersionGCProcess was triggered at midnight (version.gc.cron=0 0 0 * * ?).

ErrorMessage [payload=org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException: Failed to invoke method; 
nested exception is de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.exceptions.ModelSavingException: org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException: query; SQL [];
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.processes' with unique index 'ProcessengineProcess_name_idx_32766'. 
The duplicate key value is (cmsVersionGCProcess-1632754800001).; 
nested exception is Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.processes' with unique index 'ProcessengineProcess_name_idx_32766'. 
The duplicate key value is (cmsVersionGCProcess-1632754800001)., headers={id=b79aa5eb-dc0e-be79-4902-ddb224de7366, timestamp=1632754800017}]



  • SAP Commerce Cloud 1808
  • SAP Commerce Cloud 1811
  • SAP Commerce Cloud 1905
  • SAP Commerce Cloud 2005
  • SAP Commerce Cloud 2011


SAP Commerce Cloud 1808 ; SAP Commerce Cloud 1811 ; SAP Commerce Cloud 1905 ; SAP Commerce Cloud 2005 ; SAP Commerce Cloud 2011


ModelSavingException, cmsVersionGCProcess, ambiguous unique keys, ProcessengineProcess_name_idx_32766 , KBA , CEC-SCC-PLA-PL , Platform , Problem

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