You have created supplier invoice via web service or manually. Now you want to update the tax code in the supplier invoice using web service (action codes 2, 4 etc), but system does not update the tax code.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Log in to SOAP UI
- Execute SupplierInvoiceBundleMaintainRequest web service to create supplier invoice
- OR Create supplier invoice manually from Supplier Invoicing view
- Now try to update the tax code using web service SupplierInvoiceBundleMaintainRequest
- The system does not change any data.
Updating of tax code via web service is not supported at the moment.
As a workaround, you can update tax code manually or try a custom OData Service for supplier invoice to update tax code.
See Also
Purchase order shares the same behavior, you can refer to KBA 3198573 - Cannot define the tax date when creating purchase order via webservice
tax code update in supplier invoice via web service, supplier invoice tax code, OData, SupplierInvoiceBundleMaintainRequest , KBA , tax code update in supplier invoice , odata , supplierinvoicebundlemaintainrequest , invoice tax code web service , AP-SIP-SIV , Supplier Invoice , Problem