A Key User Extensibility collection is exported by mistake, which is not expected to be imported into Production System.
There is no way to remove/discard the Key User Extensibility collection from the P system. it's possible to leave the collection in P-System for now and check all the items in Q-System. When the collection is ready to be exported, you can export a new version of the collection and then do the import in P-System.
Please check the status of the items in the collection. Sometimes the Export Software Collection app will include 'Unchanged' items into the export. E.g. after an upgrade. Status 'Unchanged' means the items have not been changed, which means it's safe to import them.
If there is any 'New', 'Changed' or 'Deleted' items that you don't want to import into the P system, do the following:
1. In the next version of the software collection the items must be brought to a state that is desired in the P system. For example:
- Deleting a 'New' or 'Changed' Item
- Changing a 'New' or 'Changed' to the final state that is desired
- Recreating a 'Deleted' Item if you still need it in P-System
2. Then export the next version of the collection. In P system the import of both version should be done together. This will make sure that the final state of the items is directly imported.
See Also
SAP Help Portal - Importing a Software Collection to the P-System
KBA 3126032 - Export/import Software Collections in S/4HANA Cloud - Frequently Asked Questions
transport, Import Collection, Export Software Collection, extensibility, test system, productive, production, p-system, q-system, unwanted, exported, import, remove, discard, test system, 2sl, system landscape , KBA , BC-SRV-APS-EXT-SL , Manage and Import Software Collections , Problem