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3103614 - BW query execution failed with error


When run BW Query from T-code RSRT, the execution failed with error "Error 2.048 has occurred in the BWA/SAP HANA Server".

When check the HANA indexserver trace, there is the following error information reported:

Caught ptime::PtimeException: column store error:  [2617] executor: plan operation execution failed with an exception;exception 2040023:
Check stack size for 102400 bytes failed, only xxxxbytes left,Exception in executor planxxxx while executing pop 2;
Exception details: exception  1: no.71002048  (ptime/query/plan_executor/trex_wrapper/trex_wrapper_body/
[2617] executor: plan operation execution failed with an exception;exception 2040023: Check stack size for 102400 bytes failed, only xxxx bytes left



  • HANA database 2.0


SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


Unknown exception; ptimeOp; 2040023; stack size; 71002048; 2048; 2.048;  , KBA , HAN-DB-ENG-BW , SAP HANA BW Engine , Problem

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