ASCS instance and Dialog instances are up and running but one or several work process are in status "RUN" Action "ENQ" forever
In the work process trace file (dev_w*) appear the following entries:
M EncIDoOAMReq: unable to parse message E *** ERROR => EncCliIConnect: failed to connect to enqueue server at <enqueue server hostname>/sapdp<nr> through layer EncCli (rc=-3) [enccli.c 1084] E {root-id=000D3A139A641EEC88EEE991604186FE}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0 .. M EncPSetUnsupported: protocol violation (ENCPARAM_NOSUPPORT) |
SAP Netweaver running with Standalone Enqueue server
Hold ENQ, failed to connect to enqueue server, EncCli (rc=-3), unable to parse message, protocol violation , KBA , BC-CST-EQ , Enqueue , Problem
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