The issue is observed when below conditions and symptom are met:
- A Commerce Cloud build is deployed with the "migrate data" option (system update).
- The merchandising indexing job is configured to run during system update.
- From the platform-update logs it seems like the update is complete, but it is stuck right before trying to exit.
- Thread dumps taken from the platform-update pod will show threads such as nioEventLoopGroup-*, RxIoScheduler-*, RxComputationScheduler-*, in RUNNABLE, WAITING or TIMED_WAITING states indefinitely.
Commerce Cloud Integration with Context-Driven Services.
Affected Commerce Cloud versions are:
- 1905.0 to 1905.32
- 2005.0 to 2005.16
- 2011.0 to 2011.11
SAP Commerce Cloud all versions
context driven, solr, hanging , KBA , CEC-CDS , SAP Commerce Cloud, context-driven services & ISS , Problem
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