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3105397 - How to use Resolution Base and Calculation Level in Charge Calculation?


  • With the Resolution Base, the charge item is assigned to a certain data source level.
  • The charge item (which is a single building block of the Calculation Sheet) is calculated with regard to the Resolution Base. During Charge Calculation, the system resolves the calculation sheet according to the input data.
  • At runtime, the calculation logic works as follows:
    1. As a result of the initial resolution step, the system creates a calculation table based on the logistical data source. The system has not yet performed any calculations or determined any rates.
    2. The system processes the calculation table and determines a value for each row given in the Calculation Sheet. If the system cannot determine any value for a certain charge item, warning message will be raised and no charge will be applied for that row in the Calculation Sheet. However the process is not interrupted.



  • SAP Transportation Management 8.0~9.6
  • SAP Transportation Management embedded in SAP S/4HANA 1709 and subsequent releases


SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP Transportation Management all versions


Resolution base, Calculation level, Calculation Sheet, TCCS, SAP Transportation Management , KBA , TM-CF-CC , Charge Calculation , TM-MD-CM-CS , Calculation Sheets , How To

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