- Agent is not able to make or receive voice calls when using the Communication Panel (CP)
- Json files show the following errors:
- "message": "sap.ecf.mvc.control.Hangup:__hangup1 WRN> setInteractionId: Interaction doesn't exists in the model",
- "message": "sap.ecf.mvc.control.Transfer:__transfer0 WRN> setInteractionId: Interaction doesn't exists in the model"
- Chrome browser logs shows:
- /ecf/latest/resources/webrtc/jssip-3.2.15.js?_=1632477105412:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
SyncPromise-dbg.js:345 Uncaught ReferenceError: JsSIP is not defined - Log-dbg.js:415 2021-09-24 11:56:50.073600 sap.ecf.mvc.control.Transfer:__transfer0 WRN> setInteractionId: Interaction doesn't exists in the model - sap.ecf
- /ecf/latest/resources/webrtc/jssip-3.2.15.js?_=1632477105412:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
SAP Contact Center 7.0.17
SAP Contact Center, on-premise edition 7.0
BCM, Contact Center CCtr, Gateway, voice calls , KBA , CRM-CCI , Contact Center Infrastructure , Problem
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