During the R3load based system copy procedure with Software Provisioning Tool 1.0 (SWPM 1.0 Tool, SAP note 1680045) you see the following warning and error messages at the end of the import phase in object_checker.log and invalid_objects.txt':
WARNING: <timestamp> collectPackageTaskStates
Object exists in the package TSK file '<path of affected TSK file on import side >/<package>.TSK' but not in the STR file '<path of export dump>/<package>.STR':
P STXL~0 C ok
ERROR: <timestamp>
<nn> objects have error/ignore/execute or unknown status in the task lines.
Invalid objects are saved in 'invalid_objects.txt' file.
package object type action status
AGR_1251 APPL2 pkey create
BALDAT APPL1 pkey create
BALHDR APPL1 pkey create
EDI40 CLUST pkey create
RSIX APPL1 pkey create
SAPAPPL0_1 APPL0 pkey create
SAPAPPL0_2 APPL0 pkey create
SRT_RTC_DATA APPL2 pkey create
STXL APPL1 pkey create
TST03 APPL1 pkey create
The system copy finished successfully without any data loss according to the export / import log files.
During the import phase the affected import packages describes that the primary keys have been created successfully, the affected <package>.STR files are also includes the primary keys (pkey). For example:
ver: 17
tab: AGR_1251
att: tabart=APPL2 tabkat=4 bufstate=GA tabclass=T hdbstore=column data=all pkey=AGR_1251~0 pkey_tabart=APPL2 pkey_tabkat=4 clientpos=1
opt: basistable=true nkeys=3 tablen=165/0 keylen=39/0
Import AGR_1251.log:
A2 ETSK 008 ------------------------------------------------------------------
A2 ETSK 000 Starting create for object "AGR_1251~0" of type "primary index" #20220119221343
A1 EIMP 001 AGR_1251~0 created #20220119221343
A2 ETSK 005 Finished create for object "AGR_1251~0" of type "primary index" in 0.02 sec #20220119221343
A2 ETSK 008 ------------------------------------------------------------------
In addition, the affected primary keys are created/exist on the target DB level.
SWPM 1.0
Netweaver 7.1 or Higher
OS / DB independent
Object exists in the package TSK, but not in the STR, invalid_objects.txt, pkey, primary key, migcheck.jar, object checker, att:, , KBA , BC-INS-MIG , OS/DB Migrations with SWPM and DB refresh , Problem
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