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3106527 - Problem during importing a key pair or PKCS #12 keystore to Cloud Integration


Cloud Integration provides you with the option to import a PKCS #12 file (extension .p12), either as key pair or as keystore (go to the Keystore tile under Manage Security in Monitoring application).

This Knowledge Base Article addresses the following problems during such imports:

Import of a key pair fails, and one of the following error messages is displayed:

  • The selected archive contains multiple key pairs, please use the Add Keystore option (although the PKCS #12 file contains only one key pair)
  • Password is invalid: PKCS12 verification error, incorrect password (although you provided the correct password)

Import of a PKCS #12/P12 keystore fails, and one of the following error messages is displayed:

  • StatusCode 415 Keystore type is invalid. Supported keystore types are JCEKS, JKS, and PKCS12. (in the Neo environment, although the PKCS #12 file is correct)
  • Internal Server Error [CertificateManagement][X509][ProblemDeserialysingKeystoreWithReason]:Problem occurred during deserialising the keystore: Decryption error: iaik.pkcs.PKCSException: java.lang.ClassCastException: [Liaik.asn1.ASN1Object; (loaded by org.apache.catalina.loader.ParallelWebappClassLoader@61636) cannot be cast to [B (loaded by <bootstrap>) (in the Cloud Foundry environment)
  • Status Code 400 Validation of the keystore via its password failed: PKCS12 verification error, incorrect password (in the Cloud Foundry environment, although the password is correct)



 SAP BTP Neo and Cloud Foundry environments


Cloud Integration all versions ; SAP Integration Suite all versions


KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-RT , Integration Runtime , Problem

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