Lumira Designer bookmarks have been promoted using Promotion Management. On the server where the bookmarks were migrated to in the target system, they are not under the original user's name anymore but under the user who migrated them.
As per the below KBA, it is observed that the Bookmarks were imported when the owners of the bookmarks were not imported. The bookmarks have been imported later on.
2716130 - Promoted bookmarks appear as created by Administrator instead of owner.
In this case, the bookmarks will not be available to the other users than the Administrator user.
Lumira Designer 2.x.
Lumira, Bookmark, Promotion, Administrator, Owner, Administrator, Target, System. , KBA , BI-LUM-DER , Lumira Designer , BI-LUM-FRA , Framework : bookmarking, export, layouting, etc. , Problem
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