How to create Multistore table in SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering (DT) ?
I'd like to store some part to SAP HANA and some parts to Extended Storage (DT).
A multistore table is a type of SAP HANA column table that can have some partitions in HANA default column storage and other partitions in a store associated with SAP HANA, such as extended storage.
Extended storage, provided by SAP HANA dynamic tiering, is the first — and currently only — additional store for multistore tables. Depending on application-specific criteria, SAP HANA partitions a column table and then distributes the partitions among the different stores.
(It uses the term 'default storage' instead of column store or in-memory store. Tables in default storage are known as column store tables, while tables in extended storage are known as extended store tables.)
SAP HANA Platform Edition 2.0
Table partition, partition, Multistore, 'Extended storage', extended, HETEROGENEOUS, , KBA , HAN-DYT , SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering , How To
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