Followed KBA 1771192 - (How-to) Log / Trace configuration for JAVA 7.1+ systems or document Configuring Log Files Archiving to turn on Log Archiving in AS Java 7.5 system. Then notice when log set is full, all old defaultTrace.*.trc get moved to archive directory defined via parameter ArchivesDirectory. And new log is written in new file other than overwriting old one as explained in document Configuring Log Files Archiving
If you enable the archiving process, the set of five full files is converted into a ZIP file and stored as an archive on the file system. After the ZIP file is done, the new logs keep on overwriting the old log files.
SAP NetWeaver Java 7.5
logging, default trace, delete, deleted, overwritting, throws out, throw out, ArchiveOldLogFiles, ArchivedFileNames, ArchivesDirectory, log archive, log backup , KBA , BC-JAS-ADM-LOG , Logging , Problem
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