When XSA_ADMIN user uses WebIDE running in on-premise XSA to deploy file, it fails. If use command "xs dmol -i <xxx>" to get log, could see following error in MAIN_LOG:
[CreateOrUpdateServiceBrokersStep] Error creating service brokers: Controller operation failed: 403 Forbidden: Could not create service broker "<xxx>": Forbidden access: could not create service broker <xxx>: User "XSA_ADMIN" is not permitted to perform this action. Admin privileges required.
SAP WebIDE running in on-premise XSA
SAP HANA Extended Application Services, Advanced Model - XSA
authorization issue, WebIDE_Administrator, WebIDE_Developer_Denied_Deployment, Application Identifier, webide!i1, sap-xsac-hrtt!i1, SpaceDeveloper , XS_AUTHORIZATION_ADMIN, XS_CONTROLLER_USER, missing, mtar, deploy, build, MTA, template, web ide, , KBA , HAN-WDE-BLD , SAP Web IDE for Hana building applications , Problem
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