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3109347 - HANA LocalSecureStore (LSS) Installation failed.


HANA LocalSecureStore (LSS) installation failed and HANA hangs when trying to start nameserver.

07:17:20.341 - INFO: END: Installation of SAP HANA Local Secure Store finished (start: 07:17:12.816 duration: 00:00:07)

07:17:20.341 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

07:17:20.343 - INFO: Status file '/hana/shared/xx1/xx1.hdblcm.update' removed

07:17:20.347 - INFO: Status file '/hana/shared/xx1/xx1.hdblcm.update' created.

07:17:20.347 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

07:17:20.347 - INFO: Starting instances...

07:17:20.347 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

07:17:20.348 - INFO: Starting master host 'sapxx1-dhdb00' (worker), parameters: instance number = 00, user = xx1adm

07:17:20.349 - INFO: Taking trace directory snapshot of '/usr/sap/XX/HDB00/sapxx1-dhxx00/trace'

07:17:20.350 - INFO: Taking trace directory snapshot of '/usr/sap/XX1/HDB00/sapxx1-dhxx00/trace/DB_XX1'

07:17:20.353 - INFO: Sending HTTP request, function = Start, maximum number of retries = 3

07:17:22.536 - INFO: Starting 7 processes on host 'sapxx1-dhxx00' (worker):

07:17:22.537 - INFO: Starting on 'sapxx1-dh00' (worker): hdbdaemon, hdbcompileserver, hdbindexserver (XX1), localsecurestore, hdbnameserver, hdbpreprocessor, hdbwebdispatcher

07:17:32.552 - INFO: Starting on 'sapxx1-dhxx00' (worker): hdbdaemon, hdbcompileserver, hdbindexserver (XX1), hdbnameserver, hdbpreprocessor, hdbwebdispatcher

07:22:39.000 - INFO: Starting on 'sapxx1-dhxx00' (worker): hdbdaemon

07:23:19.061 - ERR : FAIL: The following processes are not running:

07:23:19.061 - ERR : Start instance 00 on master host 'sapxx1-dhxx00' (worker) failed.

07:23:19.061 - INFO: Messages from trace files of database 'SYSTEMDB'

07:23:19.078 - INFO: nameserver_sapxx1-dhxx00.30001.000.trc: More than 50 relevant messages found, check file.

07:23:19.083 - INFO: nameserver_alert_sapxx1-dhxx00.trc: More than 50 relevant messages found, check file.

07:23:19.097 - INFO: daemon_sapbt1-dhdb00.30000.000.trc: [64248]{-1}[-1/-1] 2021-01-07 23:17:22.028369 e Basis Timer.cpp(00899) : Usage of system timer is forced because the nonstop_tsc and constant_tsc processor flags (CPUID.80000007H:XXX[8]) are not set.

07:23:19.097 - INFO: daemon_sapbt1-dhxx00.30000.000.trc: [64248]{-1}[-1/-1] 2021-01-07 23:17:22.028370 e Basis Timer.cpp(00899) : Usage of system timer is forced because the clocksource file '/sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/available_clocksource' has no 'tsc' clocksource. The file contents: hyperv_clocksource_tsc_page acpi_pm

07:23:19.097 - INFO: daemon_sapxx1-dhdb00.30000.000.trc: [64248]{-1}[-1/-1] 2021-01-07 23:17:22.411233 e Daemon Daemon.cpp(00360) : No executable-name for program cacheserver

07:23:19.097 - INFO: daemon_sapxx1-dhdb00.30000.000.trc: [64248]{-1}[-1/-1] 2021-01-07 23:17:22.411756 e Daemon Daemon.cpp(00360) : No executable-name for program rdsyncserver

07:23:19.099 - INFO: Messages from trace files of database 'XX1'

07:23:19.103 - ERR : Check the log file for SAP HANA Database error messages

07:23:19.104 - INFO: Status file '/hana/shared/XX1/XX1.hdblcm.update' removed

07:23:19.104 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------

07:23:19.104 - INFO: END: Start instances failed (start: 07:17:20.347 duration: 00:05:58)

07:23:19.230 - ERR : Update of SAP HANA Database components failed.

07:23:19.865 - INFO: Summary of critical errors

07:23:19.230 - ERR : Update of SAP HANA Database components failed.

07:23:19.061 - ERR : Start instance 00 on master host 'sapxx1-dhdb00' (worker) failed.

07:23:19.061 - ERR : FAIL: The following processes are not running:

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.  



SAP HANA Platform Edition 2.0


SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


"LSS" "LocalSecureStore" , KBA , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , Problem

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