HANA LocalSecureStore (LSS) installation failed and HANA hangs when trying to start nameserver.
07:17:20.341 - INFO: END: Installation of SAP HANA Local Secure Store finished (start: 07:17:12.816 duration: 00:00:07)
07:17:20.341 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
07:17:20.343 - INFO: Status file '/hana/shared/xx1/xx1.hdblcm.update' removed
07:17:20.347 - INFO: Status file '/hana/shared/xx1/xx1.hdblcm.update' created.
07:17:20.347 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
07:17:20.347 - INFO: Starting instances...
07:17:20.347 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
07:17:20.348 - INFO: Starting master host 'sapxx1-dhdb00' (worker), parameters: instance number = 00, user = xx1adm
07:17:20.349 - INFO: Taking trace directory snapshot of '/usr/sap/XX/HDB00/sapxx1-dhxx00/trace'
07:17:20.350 - INFO: Taking trace directory snapshot of '/usr/sap/XX1/HDB00/sapxx1-dhxx00/trace/DB_XX1'
07:17:20.353 - INFO: Sending HTTP request, function = Start, maximum number of retries = 3
07:17:22.536 - INFO: Starting 7 processes on host 'sapxx1-dhxx00' (worker):
07:17:22.537 - INFO: Starting on 'sapxx1-dh00' (worker): hdbdaemon, hdbcompileserver, hdbindexserver (XX1), localsecurestore, hdbnameserver, hdbpreprocessor, hdbwebdispatcher
07:17:32.552 - INFO: Starting on 'sapxx1-dhxx00' (worker): hdbdaemon, hdbcompileserver, hdbindexserver (XX1), hdbnameserver, hdbpreprocessor, hdbwebdispatcher
07:22:39.000 - INFO: Starting on 'sapxx1-dhxx00' (worker): hdbdaemon
07:23:19.061 - ERR : FAIL: The following processes are not running:
07:23:19.061 - ERR : Start instance 00 on master host 'sapxx1-dhxx00' (worker) failed.
07:23:19.061 - INFO: Messages from trace files of database 'SYSTEMDB'
07:23:19.078 - INFO: nameserver_sapxx1-dhxx00.30001.000.trc: More than 50 relevant messages found, check file.
07:23:19.083 - INFO: nameserver_alert_sapxx1-dhxx00.trc: More than 50 relevant messages found, check file.
07:23:19.097 - INFO: daemon_sapbt1-dhdb00.30000.000.trc: [64248]{-1}[-1/-1] 2021-01-07 23:17:22.028369 e Basis Timer.cpp(00899) : Usage of system timer is forced because the nonstop_tsc and constant_tsc processor flags (CPUID.80000007H:XXX[8]) are not set.
07:23:19.097 - INFO: daemon_sapbt1-dhxx00.30000.000.trc: [64248]{-1}[-1/-1] 2021-01-07 23:17:22.028370 e Basis Timer.cpp(00899) : Usage of system timer is forced because the clocksource file '/sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/available_clocksource' has no 'tsc' clocksource. The file contents: hyperv_clocksource_tsc_page acpi_pm
07:23:19.097 - INFO: daemon_sapxx1-dhdb00.30000.000.trc: [64248]{-1}[-1/-1] 2021-01-07 23:17:22.411233 e Daemon Daemon.cpp(00360) : No executable-name for program cacheserver
07:23:19.097 - INFO: daemon_sapxx1-dhdb00.30000.000.trc: [64248]{-1}[-1/-1] 2021-01-07 23:17:22.411756 e Daemon Daemon.cpp(00360) : No executable-name for program rdsyncserver
07:23:19.099 - INFO: Messages from trace files of database 'XX1'
07:23:19.103 - ERR : Check the log file for SAP HANA Database error messages
07:23:19.104 - INFO: Status file '/hana/shared/XX1/XX1.hdblcm.update' removed
07:23:19.104 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
07:23:19.104 - INFO: END: Start instances failed (start: 07:17:20.347 duration: 00:05:58)
07:23:19.230 - ERR : Update of SAP HANA Database components failed.
07:23:19.865 - INFO: Summary of critical errors
07:23:19.230 - ERR : Update of SAP HANA Database components failed.
07:23:19.061 - ERR : Start instance 00 on master host 'sapxx1-dhdb00' (worker) failed.
07:23:19.061 - ERR : FAIL: The following processes are not running:
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP HANA Platform Edition 2.0
"LSS" "LocalSecureStore" , KBA , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , Problem
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