Customer wants to set up IQ client on Windows container (Nano server).
We have an existing SAP IQ 16.1 SP03 PL07 database. This would be using containers for SAP IQ client applications only running on Windows containers which connect to the IQ database.
The application would initially be python which can connect via JDBC and ODBC applications. It may be expanded to other developer tools still likely to be JDBC and ODBC.
We have no issue installing the JDBC (JConnect and SQL Anywhere) or ODBC on using the Windows 2019 core server container using SAP silent client installation and file based KBA documented processes. However these result in huge containers
(up to 10 GB)? So big they are almost unusable. When we switch to the Windows 2019 nanoserver which is much smaller (< 300 MB) we get various installation and runtime errors which I documented when I opened the ticket. It is likely the nanosever is missing something required by the SAP client installs.
These are the available containers.
* Server Core :
- When your application require the full .NET framework
- Medium in size and a good option for "lifting and shifting" Windows Server apps.
* Nano Server :
- Windows app based upon .NET Core
- Ultralight Windows offering for new application development.
I am hitting quite a few issues with the nanoserver container. See 'docker_build_errors.txt' for error message.
1) The IQ installer errors.
2) The java installer errors.
3) For ODBC drivers without the IQ installer, the regsvr32 command errors.
4) For SQL Anywhere drivers without the IQ installer, the a JDBCConnect jdbc4 call gets a DDL error.
I have managed to get Java installed by hack - installing in to the Windows core server container and then copying the JAVA_HOME to the nanoserver container.
The only good news is I have got the JConnect drivers without the IQ installer working in a nanoserver container with the copied JAVA_HOME.
I have uploaded the error messages I am getting in file "docker_build_errors.txt"
I have also uploaded the Dockerfile's with the associated drivers / install files for the executions with the errors. I did leave these files out as they are quite big and you can download them if you need them -
IQNC161004P_9-70002645.ZIP and jre-8u301-windows-x64.exe.
So with the docker files if you uncomment servercore:20H2 you can run a successful docker build. If you comment out servercore:20H2 and uncomment nanoserver:20H2 the docker builds fails with the various errors.
- IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09 network client
- Windows nanoserver container
Windows Container, Windows Server Core, Nano Server, Docker, , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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