RepServer went down with Signal 6 in the module _sqm_check_ibq_overflow() followed by a stack trace:
Thread SQM(QID:1 SERVERNAME.DBNAME ) infected with signal 6.
Dumping memory trace.
***************STACK TRACE***************
*****thread SQM(QID:1 SERVERNAME.DBNAME)*******
pc: 0x0000000000237400 + 00000000000000f4, .exc__appDumpStack ()
pc: 0x00000000002642a0 + 0000000000000180, .exc_terminate ()
pc: 0x0000000000262b80 + 00000000000000a0, .exc_reraise_exception ()
pc: 0x0000000000262380 + 00000000000004e0, .exc_raise_exception ()
pc: 0x0000000000725000 + 0000000000000054, ._sqm_check_ibq_overflow@AF41_7 ()
pc: 0x000000000071a600 + 0000000000000ca4, ._sqm_add_segment ()
pc: 0x00000000002da4a0 + 00000000000002d8, ._sqm_write_logical_block ()
pc: 0x0000000000714400 + 00000000000016cc, ._sqm_add_message_to_block ()
pc: 0x0000000000712460 + 00000000000007fc, ._sqm_write ()
pc: 0x0000000000710640 + 0000000000000c38, ._sqm_write_wrap ()
pc: 0x000000000000ace0 + 00000000000002d0, .srv__start_function ()
Internal error. Attempting to produce a core file.
pc: 0x000000000059dfec, unknown dynamic function
*****End of stack trace.****
Internal error. Attempting to produce a core file.
- SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0
CR825742, CR#825742, 825742, stacktrace, stacktrc , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Known Error
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