SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3112169 - "External candidate already has converted internal profile" error - Recruiting Management


When the External to Internal Candidate Conversion job runs, it fails with the message: "external candidate already has converted internal profile".


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management


The causes we've identified so far are:

  • The user that is supposed to be associated with the candidate you wish to convert, is already connected to another candidate profile.
  • The criteria in use in Manage Recruiting Settings to identify the candidate to be converted is already used by an existing user. E.g.: the criteria is email. The email of the external candidate is already associated to another existing user in the User Data File in the defined criteria.


To fix the issue,

  • For Cause 1: It will be required to create a new user, as explained in the KBA 2081409 - Candidate to Employee Conversion - Recruiting Management, the system will only try to convert candidates with that don't have an employee profile associated to another candidate profile. Hence, a new user should be created.
  • For Cause 2: It will be required to update the value used in the User Data File so that the criteria matches.

See Also

2081409 - Candidate to Employee Conversion - Recruiting Management


candidate, profile, conversion, employee, user, data, file, export, manage, recruiting, settings, udf, email, id, internal, external. , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-CAN , General Candidate Issues (not Offers, not Profiles) , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions