SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3112593 - You are getting error during Shopping Cart Assignment: Total gross/net amount differs from sum of item amounts


You are trying to assign a shopping cart to another user and you get the following error although there are no follow up documents created where mismatch can occur:

-Total gross/net amount differs from sum of item amounts

-Save failed


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Application and User Management work center

  2. Select Shopping Cart Management view

  3. Search for shopping cart that you want to reassign.

  4. Assign to respective user


    Total gross/net amount differs from sum of item amounts.

    Save failed.


Error is due to exchange rate not maintained correctly or exchange rate validity issue.

In the cart, two different currencies(say currency A and Currency B)  are maintained e.g. currency A under Price field and currency B for Net value/limit field.

You have maintained the exchange rate but the shopping cart is created before the "valid from" date maintained in exchange rate screen.


Kindly maintain similar currency while creating a document or maintain the exchange rate correctly in the General Ledger-> Edit Exchange Rates path with correct validity and then create the documents.


Total gross/net amount differs from sum of item amounts, shopping cart error, shopping cart assignment, exchange rate error , KBA , total gross/net amount differs from sum , shopping cart assignment , exchange rate error , AP-REQ-IR , Internal Request , SRD-SRM-PRO , Purchase Requests and Orders , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions