At the transaction SM21, "Error calling the central lock handler" entries are logged.
At the corresponding work process trace file (dev_wXX), the following entries are seen at the same timestamp as the SM21 entry:
M ***LOG Q0I=> NiPConnect2: <IP address of ASCS>:<incorrect Enqueue port>: connect (111: Connection refused) [/bas/753_REL/src/base/ni/nixxi.cpp 3449]
M *** ERROR => NiPConnect2: SiPeekPendConn failed for hdl 19/sock 16
(SI_ECONN_REFUSE/111; I4; ST; <IP address of ASCS>:<incorrect Enqueue port>) [nixxi.cpp 3449]
M {root-id=000D3AC38F0F1EEC8BF9B54E05D0747F}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0
M *** ERROR => EncNiConnect: unable to connect (NIECONN_REFUSED). See SAP note 1943531 [encomi.c 445]
The issue is intermittent and it might go away for some time if the affected instance is restarted.
The issue affects just some work processes, and the issue spreads to more work processes as time passes by. In other words, it does not affect all work processes immediately at the same time.
A level 2 trace from the work process shows that the incorrect port was received from the operating system:
M NiHLGetNodeAddr: got hostname '<ASCS server>' from operating system
M NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname '<ASCS server>' = addr <IP address of ASCS>
M NiISapServNameCheck: sapdp00 OK (len 7)
M NiIGetCalcNetServNoForServName: sapdp00 -> 3200 OK (NN 00)
M NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'sapdp00' from operating system
M NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapdp00' = port <incorrect port>
Later on, other work processes (level 2 trace) might show that the incorrect port is coming from the SAP service name cache:
M NiHLGetNodeAddr: got hostname '<ASCS server>' from operating system
M NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname '<ASCS server>' = addr <IP address of ASCS>
M NiSrvLGetServNo: found service name 'sapdp00' in cache
M NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapdp00' = port <incorrect port>
* the last two examples above consider an ASCS00 instance (ASCS with instance number 00)
- SAP NetWeaver ABAP based product
KBA , BC-CST-NI , Network Interface , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , BC-NET , Obsolete - Formerly used for network tests , Problem
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