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3113949 - The BPC objects remain in the BW side and the new transport fails


Some BPC infoObjects of a specific BPC environment are used in the BW ADSOs.

You accidentally delete this BPC environment from the system.
As a result, those BPC objects are moved to the Unassigned Nodes InfoArea (NODESNOTCONNECTED). 

When you try to transport this BPC environment from the development system again, you see the following errors:

  • Error in Admin module or a component used by Admin module
    Failed to update dimension /CPMB/ABCDEFG, source prefix: AB, target prefix AB.
    Failed to import entity #, ID: ...                 



  • SAP Business Planning and Consolidation, version for SAP NetWeaver


SAP Business Planning and Consolidation, version for SAP BW/4HANA all versions ; SAP Business Planning and Consolidation, version for SAP NetWeaver all versions


EPM, BPC  NW, Business Planning and Consolidation for NetWeaver, SAP BPC FOR NetWeaver, BPCNW, Embedded, standard, classic, unified, BOPC, import, transporting , KBA , EPM-BPC-BW4-INS , BPC/4 - Installation , Problem

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