When running HCMT tool on 02 nodes scale-out system you find a similar error in the hcmtresult traces as below:
'executing Test xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Note: File System Write Test
Plan Variant: 4K Block, Log Volume 5GB, Overwrite
Repeat Count: 2
.Error: exception 1: no.2000001 (Basis/IO/FileAccess/impl/LocalFile.cpp:453) TID: 335426
Generic file error; $msg$=Write error; $sysrc$=116; $sysmsg$=Stale file handle; $file$="<root>/datavol.dat" ((open, mode= RW, access= rw-rw-r--, flags= ASYNC|DIRECT|LOCK), factory= (root= "/hana/log/DBH/mnt00001/" (access= rw-rw-r--, flags= DISKFULL_ERROR, usage= TEST, fs= nfs4, config= (async_write_submit_active=on,async_write_submit_blocks=all,async_read_submit=on,num_submit_queues=1,num_completion_queues=1,size_kernel_io_queue=512,max_parallel_io_requests=64,min_submit_batch_size=16,max_submit_batch_size=64))
exception throw location:
1: 0x00007f526d17d329 in FileAccess::LocalFile::write(unsigned long, void const*, unsigned long, MemoryManager::ProtectionKey const&)+0x755 at LocalFile.cpp:453 ('
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
SAP NetWeaver 7.4
KBA , HAN-HCO , HANA Hardware & Cloud Optimization Tool , Problem
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