3rd party tools or ODBC applications or JDBC applications using the product name "SYBASE IQ" could fail to connect to IQ, or those applications could fail to execute some operations.
Driver: SAP IQ Driver release: 17.00.1632
ERROR: Driver SAP IQ is unsupported for connections to Sybase IQ. Connections to Sybase IQ require SQL Anywhere driver.
ERROR: invalid driver - connection aborted.
***LOG BY2=> sql error 99987 performing CON [dbds 1001]
***LOG BY0=> [IQ Error SQL99988]ERROR: Driver SAP IQ is unsupported for connections to Sybase IQ.
Connections to Sybase IQ require SQL Anywhere driver.[IQ Error SQL99987]
ERROR: invalid driver - connection aborted. [dbds 1001]“
SAP IQ 16.1 SP04
"Sybase IQ", "SYBASE IQ", "SAP IQ", ODBC, JDBC, "3rd party" , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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